What makes man feel so
Superior? That he can afford to take &
Abuse other lives in the search of fun.
Do we not already have enough "BIG 
TOYS" in this world that destroy the
World indirectly? That we need to kill &
Maim for our pleasure too. These sick
People with their sick minds playing at
A game of soldiers, where the "enemy"
Is not armed or equipped to fight
Back, where its only defence is the 
Right of survial. Well I should take
Man & hunt him on his own territory,
Hunt him until he can run no more,
Until exhaustion takes over his will to
Fight & blow his fucking brains out.
After I have made him bleed &
Suffer for my own fun, for my own
Sport, for my own pleasure. For my
Pleasure would be to put a stop to all
This pain & suffering that mankind 
Has inflicted on this "dumb" race,
This whole race. Is he really a species 
Of beast? Or is he the real burden?
You´re so fucking ignorant that you 
Cant see you have no rights on humanity